
11.05.2019  Moscow, Russia 

Moscow, Russia 
Specialty Show 
Judge Крюкова Елена 
Radost Zhizni Galactix- BEST JUNIOR, BOB, Biss -Junior and BISS-1! new JUNIOR CLUB CH 
Radost Zhizni Royal Delux Edition- best Baby and Biss-baby -2 
Radost Zhizni Duchesse — exc 2 
Radost Zhizni Lexus — exc 1, cw, best male 

CAC show 
Judge Popova L. 
Radost Zhizni One Love — best baby 
Samspring Toffee Crispy — CAC, Bob, big -4 and Pride of Russia 

Specialty Show 
Judge Vretenicic S. 
Radost Zhizni Duchesse — best Junior, Bob, BISs Junior -1, BISS-1 
Radost Zhizni Sky Limit at Foxfire- best baby and Biss Baby -1 

CAC show 
Radost Zhizni Penelope Cruz — best baby and BIS Baby -1 
Samspring Toffee Crispy- CAC, Bob,Pride of Russia -2, New Russian and new RKF ch